Should Competitions Disclose Prize Purses in Advance? Death By: Episode 31
On this episode of Death By, Lauren Kalil and the contestants discuss whether competitions should be required to announce prize purses ahead of time, if nutrition challenges offer more benefit than downfall, and what division is more exciting for spectators at TYR WZA, Elite individuals or Elite teams. Our contestants include Matt O'keefe, Chase Ingraham Justin Cotler, and Jason Croxon.
Transcript Bellow
[Music] hey everybody and welcome to another episode of death bu where contestants
will earn Reps for their arguments for a chance to stand on top of the podium pedestal I am your host Lauren khil
whoever I decide has the best argument through the final round we'll earn 30 seconds to talk about a topic of their
choosing before we get into today's episode we want to thank our sponsor thirdy it's 2024 time to add getting
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code death bu and you will save 20% today now on today's episode we have a
full sack crew of the chief executive officer at hwpo Matt
o'keef affiliate owner and Crossfit analyst Chase ingr with get with the
programming underdogs Athletics co-founder and head coach Justin
Cotler and his first appearance on the show please welcome Jason croxon with
Jason CF media boo
nice on welcome to the show by the way that's the first time I've ever heard your last
name so now that I cross media I thought that's what he can
we just get this out of the way we apologize for anything we say or do uh we're it's we're just getting into
character at this point wait I'm most excited to see Jason taking a side on
some topics because normally he is the voice of reason in the CrossFit space he stays right in the middle giving us the
facts but today you are a contestant Jason and just ask these men in order to
win you got to take aside o'keef knows better than anyone that's staying in the middle won't earn him any
points stay right down the middle buddy and welcome to Chase's daughter
also yeah she just he he does that for points he like like this this is how every episode starts the kid comes
in got aute kid give me extra point I F if I bring in like a female Canon porn I
get an automatic plus one oh this tricking a book my my daughter is just just upstairs I come run and get her
like not to embarrass her but she's like hey I just went to the bathroom with a bit more detail and I was like I'm sorry
I can't help you go to Mom go to mom well Happy New Year everybody thanks
for joining let's get started and let's play Death bu on to topic number one in an article
Prize purses and competitions
recently on the barbell spin the organization of the Legends Championship they sent an email to their Podium
finishers over the weekend stating that prize money might not be possible for this year's competition that was just
held in December since at least 2020 Podium finishers have received prize
money in the article Bob Jennings the co-founder of the Legends Championship stated that quote they won't know until
we have paid all the bills and received all money from sponsors something that's currently been delayed Jennings also
confirmed that there will be prize money for the 2024 Masters CrossFit Championship the games that they're
hosting this coming year athletes we spoke with said there has never been an announcement of prize purses in the past
just something that has been assumed so should competitions be required to
announce prize purses in advance mat o'keef we are gonna let you start round
one well Happy New Year everybody and we'll start off with a really healthy
topic here that I I do have quite a bit of experience with this to be honest with you good and bad the answer is yes
we we um really should set the conditions on uh on as we start these
things like you know as an event organizer we should share uh what you're getting into um again I want to be fair
to the Legends people because I don't know all that is involved in this um you
know I have been involved in an event can West Wii program that year where there was prize money published and they
didn't meet the Mark um and it was a disaster and then they tried to like sell the next event to pay the last
event I don't see that's what's going on here um I I think that this problem is
solved with more regulation you know when I say that I just mean as CrossFit
puts their mark on these events um I think these are things we'll learn that they're going to need to at least have
some confirmation uh maybe the pfaa uh can get involved in ways like
this uh to to assure maybe there's escrow that has to be built around events so that there's guarantee that
these these uh prize pures are paid uh you know expectations are clear on the
Forefront but you know I think um without knowing enough about like the the details here it seems like the
response from the master's athletes is you know for the most part positive on this that they're really grateful that
they have a platform to compete on and that this isn't much different than a years past it was sort of a post event
distribution you know if they got money it was because of what was left over but yeah I really believe that if you're
going to be in the event business and you you know especially at the elite level expect people that this is their
living to come and participate we need to tell them what they're doing what they're coming for and what's involved
and what they can earn two points for Matt O'Keefe just Cotler let's hear from you I we normally
wait to have you until last but I figure I'll let you speak a little earlier today yeah uh thanks appreciate that um
you're welcome you know this is obviously a sensitive subject uh after Ken West um you know the difference here
obviously is that prizes weren't announced prior to uh and can West I
mean you could say should competitions be required to announce prize purses they did they announced them just didn't
pay them um you know so I I think at the end of the day you know
unfortunately um you know where we are in the sport especially in the age group
divisions um you know ticket sales sponsors Etc it's just it's just not
going to be the same as it will be at the elite level and I think if you announce prize purses unless you've got
a guarantee obviously from sponsors and you've got a guarantee from you know sales Etc I think you you put yourself
in in hot water uh so honestly I think the fact that they didn't announce they
they've kind of save themselves um from you know from ill-repute essentially you
know by everyone but but ultimately I I do agree with Matt I think um you know
we've got to start doing a little bit better um about you know announcing
prize purses or even having prize purses I mean I'm still I rate about certain
parts of the Season like the fact that you know with the elite competition quarterfinals isn't getting paid I mean
that's crazy there should be no you know you you're talking about the the best in the world and if you've got the best
Masters in the world we've got to find a way to at least have something to give them um so ultimately you know that's
the way I feel about it is is uh in the future I think it's going to be really important for us to be able to provide
prizes and then obviously prior to be able to announce those and then and then stay true to it so would it be better to
maybe have some competitions that do not have prize purses if they have additional funds save that for potential
future years to offer eventually a bigger prize purse well I still think it's I still
think it's about transparency though because ultimately if you say you know
we don't know whether we're going to have a prosperous or not that may sway some athletes decision to compete or not
right um now obviously there there may be some that just love to compete and they don't care um but I do think that
transparency when it comes to prize purses is very very important and and honestly um in this case it seems like
they were transparent about the fact that they didn't know whether they'd be able to provide a prize or not so
ultimately it's okay well in the past yes maybe we have we don't know if we will and it's up to the athlete to make
the decision and take the chance to compete maybe you get a prize maybe you don't so ultimately I think it's all
about transparency four points for Cotler Jason let's hear from
you I mean I'd love to say no just to bring some balance but um I'm going to
say yes although I'm not sure who regulates this because you know would this be a licensed event thing that
that's a requirement because otherwise you know there's a lot of events out there how do we guarantee it uh but I do
think I think as you should give the athletes as much information as possible in advance so they can make an informed
decision about whether or not they want to attend a competition and one of the elements is whether or not there's a prize purse and I think if you're open
and honest even if there's not a prize purse but you're guaranteeing you know you're going to have a great event we're going to look after you but there's no
prize Well if athletes want to go and do that they can go and do that but they knew ahead of time that there wasn't
going to be any money even if like in this situation where maybe there will be
a prize pass just say that say you're going to come you're going to have a great time we're going to look after you we'll give you some goodies and hey if
some other sponsors come through or we sell enough tickets or whatever it is then we can potentially also offer a
prize purse that's great but everyone involved knows ahead of time what they're getting into and I think with
the nature of how expensive it is to go to events to participate uh that is a
factor if you're trying to use it as a draw to you know why should I go to this event over that event or bigger bigger
prize purse then absolutely you should announce it and yes sometimes people announce prize verses and it doesn't pay
out and they should be held accountable I guess because then you know hopefully those things won't happen
again three points hard hold them accountable that has been the issue in
the past we need we need to have not not to not to uh interrup go into Chase
tot we we need some modeling here like I I think what the evolution is is
CrossFit and others that you know this go this will go back to Cutler's
automatic uh discussion of season structure Point systems all that stuff
which is exactly where as we get more organized uh we can start to really
support these businesses first of all there could be a minimum standard for prize puring an event if it's an elite
event you can come up with all these different levers in that and we can actually help you know these event
organizers model their business build bench marking you know um figure out if
the indicator for prize money is the gate you know hey maybe we share a percentage of the the ticket sales or
sponsor sales there's ways to go about this I think across the board that standardizes it and it builds uh a
formula for Success so that these guys have sustainable businesses forward but um yeah there has to be accountability
that's why I said escrow you know if we force people to put this money that's prize Pur um um into an escro count
ahead we won't have these problems what the hell are we doing right now wait one second before you say anything is it just me or is it the way that O'Keefe
has the camera angled he looks like the Great and Powerful Oz he's just like he's up in the air he's floating
seriously he's very Majestic today you're very Majestic today so Majestic let ask everybody a question and then a
follow-up question before we get to the last guy this is what always
happens double question every question you we know we're we're we're set the amount of
insecurity with you guys is unbelievable getting a coffee for your five minute answer go ahead all right just copy what
I say get it over with okay chase you can have the table it is your turn gosh
all right uh if they're going should they announce it yes unequivocally should be yes but I think there is a way
to do this because we've said ways to regulate that if you're a going to be a CrossFit license event then there needs
to be a tiered structure of what those payouts should be a tier one a tier two a tier three and make it a range you
know Kee was right he was 100% correct is like you got to set some parameters there hey if you're going to be a generic CrossFit licensed event then
there should be a pay structure in there same for a level two and same for a level one put the range in there or set
a minimum but the other thing you got to think about is that you have to make sure is that you are being financially
responsible as a competition there is so much money wasted on venues equipment
live streams and all this other stuff that either is completely unnecessary for the sake of the show and at the
neglect of the athletes and I think we no better example that we've seen that in Canada West and I think there was
another European competition that the same thing happen is that we need to make sure that we're doing a better job putting on a competition than putting on
a show and the reason for the competition is that it gives the athletes a platform to compete and if there a prized Pur it gives them an
opportunity to make money as far as the master of the Legends championships my only concern is that we're looking at
this event as being the host of a cross it games finale for the age group or for the Masters Division and setting
guidelines like you know' said is that here's the minimum here how you do here
set up a venue without going for Flash and more quality of a style EV event I want to see more of that and less of
just bells and whistles so I want to go back to your thought about if it's a CrossFit licensed event there should be
a tiered system for prize purses would any of that Financial um burden I guess if you will
fall on CrossFit or is that still just for the competition the event it's for
the competition because if you're it's just like buy you purchase to say you're cross like water paloa can't say they're
a Crosset event they're not a cross- it license they can't use the word cross it neither can Rogue neither can Dubai
neither can Legends right you cannot use that unless you buy the name it's just like being an affiliate you pay use the
name cross it to put that stamp on your gym to put that stamp on your competition and so if you're going to
buy into this because that is supposed to be a draw or a a a bonus for your competition then put in those parameters
make it worth the while right so if you're going to be a tier one licensed Crosset event that all the big names
want to go to well you have to have X Y and Z to be that licensed event same for tier two same for tier three but if
we're talking offseason was matter or um Justin had talked about this is where the pfaa can
come in hey if you're going to be giving out this type of event or you must make these announcements you must have these
minimums I think the pfaa best position to be in and I said this on a later episode or an earlier one is that they
have to dig their roots in the offseason competitions and they're doing that with water pal paloa this
year okay three points for Chase whoa whoa bringing Chase back did you have a secondary thought nope I don't need one
I mean a third Dairy a third Dairy
thir I mean can I just ask you a question here Lauren so yeah reference
his whole point was referencing people that made the point earlier he gets more
points than everyone else I mean you're your fingers must be broken over there
sometimes there is carryover O and you have benefited from that before let me Point yes apologies hold on I'll just
are you raising your hand Cutler oh no he's just like oh stretching getting ready for Point number two I got to get
limber got to get limber okay let's move into round number two with the New Year
comes new goals resolutions many of them involve hitting the gym and even
Nutrition challenges in affiliates
cleaning up our nutrition now to maximize this some Affiliates will host
a New Year's nutrition challenge do we love it do we hate it and is this a
money grab or actually implementing positive habits for members Chase I'll
let you start this round oh I'm so sick of the money grab phrase is like I'm not
able to financially Gain No it's it's ridiculous like a money grab is
legitimately asking for money and giving nothing in return that is the definition of money grab excuse me for coming you
to on the 1st of January and saying it's time to get back in the gym and it's time to focus on your nutrition two
things that'll absolutely unequivocally change your life forever excuse me for
wanting to charge a little bit more for the services which I provide for you it's absolutely ridiculous of a concept
it's like all right let's just give away personal training for free is that a money grab I'm going to focus more attention on to get you better and to
change your life no these coaches these gyms and anybody in the space needs to benefit from this financially because
this isn't a charity this isn't a nonprofit and so to set up a path of
success in the very beginning when everybody is open and willing to change their lives New Year New You whatever
New Year's resolution it's the perfect time to support these members and to get
them on the right track it's absolutely a wonderful thing to do and I'm sick of the money grab talk
nice Chase is over there flipping his hair New Year let's be honest up he got fired up
about that I love the passion behind that answer I'm going to save all my follow-ups for this round so that nobody
is over here whining and complaining I'm Gonna Save all of them not just your face all of them and we
will come back and have a discussion I'm gonna give you four points for the passion behind that answer and because
you are so Set On You Know the Way to the answer for this topic we'll get back
to that Jason you're next I mean I can't be as passionate as Chase probably about anything but
um well I I don't think it's a a money grab I I think it's well intentioned um and and I think there are
going to be people members of you know in an Ideal World all CrossFit Affiliates will be teaching their
members about nutrition throughout the year and good habits that will benefit them throughout the year but there will
be a section of people that probably only listen in January when it's you know a New Year's resolution so I I
think it's good that you can capitalize on that that you know this is a time they may be more responsive so let's try
and hit your nutrition now now the the fear with a challenge is it depends in
what format that challenge takes because if you are kind of incentivizing there's a prize for those that do the best then
you're not necessarily teaching people good habits because they're probably going to go to extremes to win and then
at the end of The Challenge once they've you know succeeded it will be unsustainable to continue through the
rest of the year like this and they might not be in a position to kind of go back a little bit to a more balanced you
know nutritional plan so they might just go straight back to how they were before the year started so I think it's it's
well intentioned and there are good elements to it but the kind of concept of it being a challenge in itself can
also cause problems you already answered my follow-up question that I didn't even
ask four points for Jason Justin Cotler what are your
thoughts uh so I have a little bit of history with this uh we ran uh several of these types of challenges at Dynamics
uh when I owned the affiliate and uh you know I really think it depends on on the
affiliate the intentions etc for us it was absolutely amazing um you know in
the sense that first of all the challenges were incredibly beneficial for the community we dedicated specific
classes and specific times for uh either nutrition class or uh with some of the
new you challenges uh some of our best members and some of our longest standing
members came from interest in either nutrition or you know a six- week challenge to get fit Etc uh and I think
a lot of it has to do with the intention of of what you're doing it for you know ultimately for us yes obviously it's a
business so you're trying to drive revenue and that's important but I I think you know for us it was about it
was about the the community it was about the person it was about helping them change their lives and I think
ultimately that's what the majority of people who open Affiliates are about you know I mean listen let's be honest this
isn't the the biggest Money Maker in the world you know if you're trying to get rich off of open an affiliate then you're in the wrong business okay um but
most of the people that do this do this to help people that's the bottom line and and that's what that's why we did it
and I absolutely didn't look at it as a money grab what I looked at it as was an opportunity to help more people and in
return we were able to drive a little bit more Revenue to the business which is which is great and it went hand inand
uh so I I don't see anything wrong with them as long as the intentions are positive Justin you you lost me at it
depends anytime somebody says that I kind of just I can't fully listen to the
answer two points for Justin Cotler wow wow we're off the rails now you you you
did give good points you did give good points but it depends uh it it can't earn you any more than two point I'm
writing that down don't ever use that word I'm gonna just use that every time now just just so that just to be an
[Â __Â ] ultimately yeah I like the spice ke you're up
next well thank you Lauren you're wel I don't think this is a money grab at all
uh this this is the most exciting time of year in Fitness in a lot of ways uh
you know I think there's always a really interesting amount of noise from people
who have built these routines in their lives uh about you know the gyms getting
overpopulated this time of year why don't we welcome people in to change their life I mean that's what it's all
about I mean the you know the net new opportunity is
Grand this time of year but we also have to create challenges for our current members you know we need to create marks for
people to hit um you know variable goals uh 12 months so long year we want this
to become you know a consistent behavior for our members um you know whether it's a platform like ours or in a gym this is
an awesome opportunity and you know we should be doing more of this throughout the year to be honest uh whether it's
nutrition challenges or just straight fitness challenges or some sort of goal to run a race or whatever but this is um
honestly one of my favorite time times of year there's so many new faces and U
people looking at changing their life through training or you know how they eat uh you know just build building the
the the the behaviors to to lead a better life so honestly I I I get irritated every year
this time of year because I and I saw it yesterday all this noise about you know oh all these people are just going to be
here for a month well if five% of them two 2% of them stay what a win you know
we've introduced people who did not do this on a daily basis to doing it on a daily basis so I am all about
this three points for O'Keefe I agree with the concept that I think Chase brought it up you know if people can
take away one or two tidbits that's beneficial O'Keefe saying you know if a
small percentage of those people keep going to the gym that's a win but when we're speaking about nutrition I just
wonder where the conversation comes into play with you know if you have a hundred
people that sign up for a nutrition Challenge and one person is running that like how involved can they be especially
if people are coming in with a bad relationship with food and eating disorder all of these things that are
involved when it comes to like food and the nutrition conversation I mean I
think that's a big assumtion that only one person is going to be in charge of these people right right yeah that's a
service those are two separate so do do you guys think that more people are involved at Affiliates when it comes
to nutrition or there's just one nutrition coach that would oversee all of this there's 13,000 of them
so they all have their own path to that but I I think it's just like small group training is you run a group class
effectively with a decent coach with maybe 10 to 15 an experience Coast right
around that 20 before there's just a decline of numbers and you should approach nutrition challenges the same
way so I can't assume an affiliate is doing it one way or the other but yeah if you're in charge of 100 people by
yourself you can't effectively manage that group and so hopefully they would take the same
approach to small group training is that we would do that in our affiliate we'd give people you know hey we had eight
coaches in the gym you've got 10 to 15 per person you check on them we make it fun we made it like a competition a team
you know all within the spirit of CrossFit itself right there's a whiteboard for a reason there's a scoreboard there's a there's an element
of a bar to reach to versus a bar to lower people to so I think the same thing comes with the nutrition challenge
well in our case it depended on whether or
not on on how many people were in the class we had one coach per 15 so
ultimately if you had over that it was multiple and most of the challenges we ran were between 40 and 60 so you'd have
two to three coaches who were handling that and essentially um and again we we
ran you know dedicated times dedicated classes Etc so yeah it was it was
definitely uh you know we we saw the importance of it and we treated it with its with the respect that it
deserved okay there's so many great platforms out there that do this I mean in the grand scheme of things you can
run a challenge that you know focuses people's attentions around drinking
water sleeping eating better and then those healthy you know those health healthy approaches to to nutrition you
know you can reference a laundry list we all work
with our athletes work with many different nutritionists so there's many platforms out there that I think you
know that whole like Whole 30 approach is a really good approach especially in a gym it's just like hey check these
five to 10 things off on a daily basis and let's build behavior and you know that's the most sustainable thing I've
seen I mean not to get too far into detail on this but you know um you asked
about what you're asking about is service and I think um you know that's a per affiliate issue in how
they approach it but you know that's why I'm saying I think maybe the best approach is you know you're not necessarily In The Weeds about you know
how somebody's eating on a daily basis but we're just asking them to eat right and referencing them to places that are
professional around that so the success depends on how good the service is
is yeah sure yeah of course I mean it's like I stopped listening does Jus get
back does Jus get a back now you you've come around and affiliate when you Chang my mind
affiliate success depends on you know who who's operating the affiliate you
know I mean it's like the same as anything so yeah I mean I guess it depends on you know how
I love it heading into round number three we have a tied score at the top of the
leaderboard with Chase and Jason followed by Justin and then trailing Mr
Team Elite Indy or Team Elite Teams?
Matt O'Keefe topic three let's get into W paloa dear wooa it is just about a week
away and one of the biggest highlights of the competition is the ability for our favorite Elite athletes to do both
the individual Division and and the team divisions but when it comes to excitement for spectators which division
Takes the Cake watching the elite individuals or watching the super teams
battle it out uh Jason we will let you start this final round well I wasn't expecting that okay
so I was gonna say unexpected yeah yeah I was just waiting waiting my turn as usual um so obviously as Chase has
informed us it's not a CrossFit competition technically but uh it does happen to have some of the best CrossFit
CrossFit athletes in the world attending and I think that CrossFit competition in
its purest form is the individual competition so if you're looking for
CrossFit in its purest form with some of the best athletes in the world this is going to be an incredibly exciting
opportunity for you that being said the novelty factor of the teams is always
going to be a draw because it's interesting to see if there's going to be any tension when somebody makes a mistake how are people that don't
usually work don't usually work together on a team going to work together on a team at these kind of events so if
you're there for sort of something different a novelty then the team competition is for you but if you're
there just to see the best in the world do what they do then it's going to be the elite individual so which
one exactly play Both Sides come on wow he's right in the
middle well I think this year it's the elite individual last year I think the teams
were more exciting as in the teams were more exciting last year than the teams we
know about so far this year maybe there'll be some more teams announced that are going to be more exciting all five teams we know about yeah from what
I know so far there was more interesting teams last year two points for
Jason met Keef who do you like teams or Indies 100% teams at an I mean it
is I mean in my whole history of whether showing up to spectate you know um help
you know there with athletes or as a brand and then being a part of the event I mean it's obvious where the ex I mean
it's not that the individual competition isn't exciting I just don't think that you see everybody at their best uh
individually which is you know which is natural that time of year people are getting back at they're not peing for
this most people AR I'm sure there are some that say this is my opportunity to make
money but the team competition is just I mean you're just seeing a bunch of
people that you would never see on a floor together competing uh together it's and it's it's amazing and there's
tons of trash talking that goes on uh the athletes have a ton of fun with it I love the current format so you can do
both I mean that is an awesome move uh but yeah I mean I mean that is the most
I mean I guess from my perspective I'm not very engaged with the team competition at the CrossFit Games I
never really have been I've always been with individual athletes so you just really can't pay attention to both uh
that's hard you know I'm sure some of these guys have because they've had a team competing and an athlete but man I
you know I've watched some of it and if I'm comparing it to the other team products out there there isn't a better team product than the sport it is
exciting they are the best athletes in the world competing on teams together and you will never see them do that
otherwise uh this is an awesome show from a team perspective I can't wait three points for mat oeef Chase
teams or Indie oh unequivocally teams so let me help Jason make a point when you're trying to talk about Crossing
competition at its purest form of crossfits in the individual yet you say this isn't a CrossFit license event so
it's not CrossFit at its purest form and the thing I love about W palooza is that
they have perfected the team competition what we have have been lacking for years
at the cross it games and it's the teams of three men and teams of three women
and not only that but you get three times the number of individual games competitors ascending on Miami to
compete in front of thousands of people without the pressure of individual competition so you get the fun you get
the camaraderie it's like the beach scene during Top Gun type of vibe we're getting out there in Miami and so the
teams of three has been a wonderful diver movement from The Game season of teams
of two and two I think the WAP paloa at its worst no offense Matt was when they became a was when they became a sanction
event and they had to go away from the elite teams of three I think that was the worst move that they were forced to
do now that they are not across the competition it's 100% the teams and just look at the leaderboard individual
competition was basically set going into the last two events last year tie for first place for the women that needed a
tiebreaker and for the men who were separated by one one point we get better athletes better competitions and a
better example of what Fitness Festival would be that water paloa claims that it is five points for Chase that was a good
answer claims claims that it is wow that was aggressive the fitness Festival it's
that's their claim it's it's exactly what it is yeah and we claim the fittest
on Earth at the cross it games we say the same thing should we look up the definition
of claim depends it's suggested that was suggestive I love
it it depends okay here you could you could potentially tie maybe win I don't
know we've never given a seven-point answer but or assert that something is
the let's hear Cotler what do you got well I mean I think going last in this
one is unfortunate simply because I I can't I agree I mean it's teams and
ultimately I think W palooza explains it for you they they
put teams on on Saturday and Sunday which is when everybody comes I mean that's that's when you've got the most
Spectators you've got the biggest tickets you know you've got I mean that's the big ticket item man that's
when everybody is is coming and that's what they want to see um and these guys
are right in the sense that you know obviously Indies is going to be exciting I think especially on the men's side uh
you know with Rome Ricky Brent and Pat all competing I mean you've got you know
four of the top what six guys in the world seven guys in the world I mean that's that's pretty exciting but it's
on a Thursday and Friday um you know the majority of the of the athletes aren't going to compete until Saturday and
Sunday that's during the team event it's the best team event of the year uh it's the most fun event um hopefully this
year they actually do what they said which is essentially that they're not going to destroy the athletes by doing
the same movements that the Indies did and the teams so it looks like they've separated the the the programming and
the movements a little bit which is obviously a really smart move because you're getting more people that are
doing teams and my understanding is that there are some major teams that have not been announced yet um I know of one
because I have an athlete competing on on that team um and I think when it's all said and done we're going to be very
excited about the teams that are competing and the athletes that are competing on the weekend uh and that's
it all culminates with that Sunday night Podium announcement which is the the team announcement which is the climax of
the event do you wna give more um of a tease on who that team is C no I
don't that would have given you a seven-point answer wow a it's a good one no he got four
points that would have just put it over the edge four points for Justin Cutler
chase you haven't been here in a few weeks you come back somehow you just keep like Michael Jordan came out of
retirement wearing 45 ridiculous all because I said
depends that's what that was the weight of your winning Chase 30 seconds a topic of your
40 - Podium Pedastal
choosing you have the floor uh okay I'll put my 30 seconds out there and it's
that the behind the scenes the much anticipated behind the scenes from the Savon podcast has just been
released for early views I think they're up to one per day through January uh you
have to pay to see it early but you can wait to see it later but I've got to see the first three episodes and it uh it's
like a warm blanket of the CrossFit Games olden days just to see that uh material out there again so uh that's
out there if you guys want to check it out and shout out to uh getting some old content back new and kind of rekindle us
leading straight into the open like a warm blanket do you put on the fireplace too and you get like a nice hot COC yeah
just a little snuggy and then a I love it throw extra marshmallows in
there that makes it all better a little whip on the top bare skin rug nice oh
boy I could picture the whole viewing experience right now Chase thank you for taking us all to
your home well Chase congratulations mat
o'keef Justin Cotler Jason crocon for anybody who doesn't remember his last name Jason cocon CF media baby thank you
guys all for being on our first episode of 2024 it's great to kick off the new
year with you guys our first episode of the Year episode 31 you can listen to
all of the episodes on podcast wherever you get that or if you want to watch these lovely faces put each other to
shame with their answers you can find that on our talking Elite Fitness YouTube channel thank you again to
thirdy you can get a discount with code death by and we hope to see you
guys next time