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Coffee Pods and Wods "Around the Whiteboard"

Should CrossFit’s Drug Ban System Change?

Around The Whiteboard Semifinal | Young, Spin and Jason

Transcript Bellow.

et's go okay we're live two shows in a day for Pedro yeah if any wants to go


back and watch Jake


Douglas I'm just doing my best Jake Douglas if any wants to go back and watch Jake dougas um I spoke to him this


morning and I spoke to Grace Walton yesterday because I'm off work and I have time during the day um so I can


speak to people from Australia but now my kids are at home as well so


finished um around the Whiteboard semifinal our last


semifinal um of this run so we've got Hiller comma Andrew


um and Seth I shouldn't have given both of


Hiller's names because I don't know both of Seth's names I can't remember his surname it's not Rollins H Seth Paige that's it thank you


um nice t-shirt spin yeah little little OG nice um I got Sox you got sock as


well uh Jason right I did indeed yeah OG um oh good


man um so oh [ __ ] what's the web site rise Rising tide but it's with his Zed


yeah um so she is uh passing on Chase


like the called OG culture apparel through Europe and the


UK so you can avoid taxes and [ __ ] oh there you go oh they sold out there's other


stuff other stuff um okay so semi-final


um and we've got Hiller and SE are waiting in the next round we've got three topics three guests these three guys made it through uh Jason's here


because uh Brian FR chicken out um so he took his place and then he dominated in his uh seminal he beat the [ __ ] out of


Josh Bridges um Spain SP was not against wasn't against


Jason he was against Hiller during that podcast know Jason was here he was just he he was fighting his own War um spin


who are you against uh D pepper and Mr hwpo oh yeah D actually gave you he gave


you good run for your money that one made a couple of Saucy little slide EGS he made and then John you had TBO and


vakey right mhm yeah cool okay so these guys have won their preliminary round now they're into


the semi-final um I need to share my


clock there's an lell in there um and then oh I also need to say you can go to


btw. allinone and you can um Avail of


their just fantastic gym management um or you can I just use it to uh track my


workouts so if I if I do a sentinel training workout it's fine that take


care of itself but if I do my own thing or something random I see you can use the Beyond the Whiteboard app and uh go


in and like it's it's actually really I don't even know why I [ __ ] you're never going to be able to see it but um it's


really intuitive like you can pick so I did like uh I did like a burp obviously


a burp workout yeserday but you can put it in really easy it it has like AI that takes you know that kind of predicts


what you're trying to do and then it takes over you're like yeah that is what I'm trying to do or no I'm not that fit that isn't what I was trying to do um so


I'm injured at the minute so I can't do any actual like normal training so I'm just doing like burpees and other [ __ ]


anyway rambling btwb docomo And1 brilliant okay topic one we're going to


go nearest to me to furthest away so spin you're gonna be up first um Jason second and John third so


someone third someone actually messaged me um it was H funny I actually think it was


the same person that did the Roman krenov uh transl AI translation thing um


that got me in so much trouble it was the same person um but she said there is no Central Library for CrossFit


movements and then if you're looking at any other sport you can find the rules you can find what's expected of you all


that kind of stuff like click with a finger um but unless a workout comes up in the open or a movement comes up in an


open workout there is just no easy way of finding a standard for the workout uh or for the movement um obviously you


know the level one or whatever but for the average person trying to get involved in CrossFit so my question to


you guys is is it time the Crosser create a central movement Library spin you're up first you've got 60 seconds


time starts now off you go yeah we definitely need more rules more paperwork more bureaucracy throughout


this whole thing um no we do not need a central movement Library I know the if3


has it um I just don't it's a Thruster you know what it


is like we're not like Reinventing the wheel here like there the the movements


aren't that difficult um and really when you think about it I think by when you


set that up you don't you kind of limit yourself from finding better situations so think about the handstand push-up I


think we've gotten to a pretty good spot of a tap line where it is with 30 Ines


we would have all we would have if we had put that in in writing way back in the day we'd never have move to a box


move to this line like I think it prevents uh creativity and actually advancing the sport by trying to


solidify something uh in writing good stuff um all right Jason


you're up next you've got 60 seconds your time starts now off you go well it would need to be a pretty big library


but absolutely yes I think it would be a good thing I want to see every movement what it is how it should be performed


and specifically what a judge should be looking for uh and then if it's a CrossFit Event open quarterfinals


semi-finals the games or a CrossFit licensed event that should be the Playbook that they are pulling from and


I think it's good for everyone because coaches know what they need to teach their athletes athletes know what is expected of them judges know exactly


what they're looking for and hopefully that leads to less mistakes being made on the field fans know what to expect


affiliate owners can make sure they're teaching their members to perform these movements that way just in case they


show up in the open and then we don't have situations with the handstand push-ups where we're saying well who knows what movement it's going to be


this year or with the burpees Over the Bar where you're told well you know what a burpee looks like right because if you


looked at people's video submissions clearly not everyone did geez so angry um all right John


you're up you got 60 seconds off you go I'm gonna say yes that they do but if


you I crossfit's answer is going to be they already do because if you Google CrossFit movement standard list it takes


you to a movement list and it has every single movement you don't demand the


problem is you have to read through 10 pages on what is a deadlift where do you hold a deadlift all this stupid stuff


before you get to any type of standard list um I think they need to con condense it and make a movement list but


make it very concise like the movement starts with this you're looking for hip extension uh you're not allowed to


bounce asteris judge's discretion when judging and then you make that into a


PDF and then attach that to every single judges course like at the end of their


achievement of their judges course with this PDF and but make it concise for every movement you could just search it


that's what they should do good stuff um I just want to change a setting here


isn't it crazy that this is the best version of this clock that I can


find I mean it's better than when I had the [  ] thing over my shoulder that was a [  ] show um all right spin your


rebuttal uh you've got 20 seconds and your time starts now off you go we're


over complicating things by doing it I like we don't need a rule book or or


standards for the clean and have some specific movement library to teach them how to do a clean like we're talking


about a handful of of things and also to Jason's point no fan is going to go read


hundreds of pages of movement standard so they could follow along the action at the


semi-finals good stuff um I muted Jason by accent there at the end of your time


because his picture is more to the left on my end um all right Jason you got 20 seconds your time's start now off you


go yeah fans might not read it but at least it's there for them and I also think talking about like limiting


creativity if CrossFit wants to add movements they could add a movement have the demo team demonstrate at the games


give athletes time to learn it and then implement it The Following season so we don't have people looking at the best in


the world and just laughing because they can't do double under crossovers uh John you're up you got 20


seconds yeah Brian I don't think you realize how [ __ ] some people are like they if and if if there's a if


there is a a rule book listed with concise movements whenever you get docked no rep by CrossFit it tells you


exactly why there it is you didn't follow it you get docked on your reps


you can't just leave it to be um all right let me just do up some


points incredible uh maybe maybe my favorite thing in that whole uh little


segment there was Jason took an incredibly loud swallow of a drink of


water there uh just towards the end I don't know what that says about standard of


debate um all right do have some scores I have to change your names as well while done mainly yours cuz it's while


you're calculating I I think Rob 's over Brian I'm I'm not


trying to do it I'm saying like you're Le you're limiting everything to the CrossFit the small team at the CrossFit


Games right like the whole point of this is to be going to the whole all different


competitions other groups have made things like Jr would never do handstand walk over a hurdle because that's not


part of some standard movement list like you're limiting yourself to creativity outside of other


people right like and and you'd have to have the foresight to say for next year if I don't know it by the games I'm not


going to put it in a competition there's a lot of you're limiting yourself so many different


ways yeah I uh oh my [ __ ] names aren't on um so


uh John got two Jason got two spin got one um John mainly got one just for


getting angry there at the end he was only on one up until he told Brian the people are [ __ ] um yeah I think the


issue like I I take your point spin but I don't think just because there is a list of movement um of movements and


what they look like or should look like I don't think that you were then limited to that list like I don't think that Jor


would have his hands tied by the fact that whatever backwards pegboard isn't on it and he wants to do it like I think


that it just gives you I think you're coming at it from the point of view of we don't need it like say us four or


whoever like people who've been around a while don't need it but I'm I I'm considering the people who are like oh


what's this CrossFit thing oh what's this CrossFit open and they want to like gear up for it and get ready for it and


you know like do a bit of research or whatever and they're having to do what John saying have going through like 50 pages of pointless stuff that they don't


need to know just to see the picture at the end of like what's a wall ball you know what I mean um but yeah I take your


point um and I give you one point for it all right uh Jason you're up next so


um Spain actually you you put out an article and you featured it you chatt out a it on your show um with John and


uh Jason Tyler he won up Watkins um so


Heinrich oscarson uh made an appearance uh he's


back having served a fouryear ban uh Hiller is banned there's been no like I


assume that's four years but there's been no like he hasn't actually tested positive so I don't really know what story is there they presume they'd have


to do a test on him and he tests positive and then they come back him for four years because he could just argue if he want to do I don't think he wants


to but he could argue like no I didn't um Hinrich is back like that man has had


a needle sticking out of his arm for the last four years like no question about it he's been drinking peptides like just


just like walking around um so my question is is a 4-year ban right for


testing positive for a band substance or a per performance enhancing drug in the sport of CrossFit um Jason you're up


first you got 60 seconds your time starts now off you go well I feel bad for these poor athletes that are serving


four-year bands because unknowingly somebody tainted their very cheap supplements with very expensive Peds but


it should be longer uh the life of a competitive CrossFit athlete is relatively short so a longer ban would


be more detrimental and maybe a bigger deterrent and stop people doing that that being said I do think that it's


more important the testing protocol for people that are on the band list already and serving a band so if CrossFit was


doing a better job of of testing them while they're on that band list so they can't just train for years Juiced up to


the gills and then come back to competitive CrossFit with that Advantage uh so if they had a stricter program in


place then I would say four years is more than sufficient but as that's you know the longer you're going to do that


it's going to be harder for them to do so I think if they're not going to do that then a longer ban just makes it a


bit more painful for the athlete fair enough um all right John you're up you've got 60 seconds your


time starts now off you go I think what they currently have is perfect I think if you go two years it's too short I


think if you go longer then it's your whole career like I I I think of two


people whenever I think of the Banning if like as far as just the length correct and I think of Ricky gard and


Phil T and Ricky got popped in 2017 he did his time and he came back hungrier


than ever and now he's one of the favorites for the CrossFit Games and I'm team Ricky all the way I love a comeback


story I I like the fact that you can make a mistake and then come back from it learn from it and be a better athlete


Phil ton got popped lost interest he ain't waiting that long went head first in the powerlifting World ain't nothing


wrong wrong with that um if you if you want to make it longer then just make it permanent because


people aren't going to last 10 years either say everybody's not rich throning so I say like you're done or I I think


four years is the best best middle ground um all right beenin you're up you


got 60 seconds your time starts now off you go uh four years matches usada and


wada on the known substances that you or that you take um I think that's the right amount uh


but you also have to then start testing people throughout that four years we


can't have Ricky Gard only having being tested once in his four time four years I know a lot do walk away like Phil ton


but you still need to keep testing if you're going to do that I mean 26 people this year have received offseason out of


competition test um that's not enough also I would throw out something that uh


I thought I think is kind of interesting so if you to try to clean up the sport if you get tested positive you can throw


somebody under the bus and have them tested if it results in a in a suspension right they're they're they're


dirty you get a one-year reduction so it's four to three if you are wrong and


they're clean you gotta pay for the drug test wait that's in it or you want that


to be in it I want that to be in it oh [ __ ] I thought that was a rule it no I'm saying that's what you


should do to help clean up the sport all right 20 second rebuttal I mean best [ __ ]


luck Jason John uh Jason you're on first you got 20


seconds off you go yeah I think anyone can make a mistake but I think it's more easier to forgive someone make when they


make a mistake when they're just a dumb kid so giving them a longer ban means there's still time for them to come back and they've still got a chance if


they're a bit older they should know better than to do it fair enough um John you're up you got


20 seconds time sets now off you go all right well I mean I think you went a step Too Short Brian I completely agree


with that idea but I think if uh you catch somebody dirty or if they're if they're clean and you said that they


were dirty then they get two more years added to their band like I think it should work either


way but I'm all for what you just said I just go further uh Brian last 20 seconds of


yours off you go yeah I mean to kind of go to add on to what I was saying like a lot of times you're not doing this


by yourself like you you're in a circle you understand who's getting this so the idea is you're kind of nervous like if


he gets popped I'm gonna get probably get snitched on and so I could end my career too so it may help clean up the


sport by by you know that yeah a circle jab that's what you call it isn't


it oh man [ __ ] I've missed a lot of comments um spin only got one yeah spin


only got one start your own show Richie [ __ ] um the chat won't let me call hin


but I want to call him maybe that's for the best um did he ever reply to your comment on spins post um what's the


punishment second and third offenses in baseball it gets harsher and harsher there is none is there I mean if you get


if you get banned in serve four years and you come back and get banned again I mean there some sports that are like you


get a month or get a warning then you get a month then you get like six months like it's kind of a joke


so um so Ricky would still be banned I don't understand that comment [ __ ] he said Matt Fraser was doing stuff and mat


Fraser wasn't and then that's at least that's what I think you're refer to Mama mados but uh yeah yeah I sure but


everybody needs to be aware of the rule okay he can't yeah rety to say in hindsight yeah you can't retro you have


to know that you're risking that um before you throw somebody throw that name out there and if you throw four


people under the bus does that just get it completely cleared away years of fantastic everyone yeah you just get rid


of everyone in your circle job you've opened up a whole new can of worms minus two points Brian um to if Pedro so


wishes see I was trying to be budgetary friendly to CrossFit by saying you have


to pay for the fine instead of adding time to it how much is um drug because they're not cheap sure


they're not drug tests I'm sure they're very I assume that's why there's so few of always says they're expensive just


take their word for it um all right Spain [ __ ] dominated


that one that was actually boom an incredibly good idea um I was like [ __ ]


I as you were saying it I was like that is so cool that they have that and then I realiz like no way he's just coming up


with this they haven't thought of that something like that um but yeah if anyone well Keith knap was I think the


link between this show and Crossfit he used to bring stuff to CrossFit and well they've fired him for it um so if H if


there's anyone else listening Dave if you're the incredibly unlikely event you're listening that that's a really


good solution to um a problem that's consistent all right speaking of uh TDC


he was on savan show um incredible show with just a a Litany of calls at the


start um convinced that they're all the same person um one of the topics that


came up in that conversation someone spent like $500 to ask Dave two questions about programming um if anyone


uh this show accepts donations as well if anyone wants to donate um so but they asked uh about the cuts and the Order of


the cuts the order of the events before the cuts and how it affected that um people Emma Lawson would have won if


different events been different times and he he said I'm not getting into um I'm not getting into hypotheticals so


that brought me to my last question for this semi-final which is if there are cuts at


an event like the CrossFit Games should the events that precede that cut be a full and well-rounded test in and of


themselves and then as part of a broader larger full and rounded test over the


course of the week or weekend or whatever um John Young you're up first on this one when I finish clicking this


button in 10 more clicks right you've got um 60 seconds your time starts now


off you go all right 100% I think if you want to make cut you can have one or two


single modality tests but it should be a strength specific test a endurance specific test gymnastic specific test


and then three CrossFit events and then you cut after that um and it's like you don't have to do that specifically but


like if you look at last year I think last year was perfect last year was awesome as far as I think where they cut


and what events they chose you have the bike ride all endurance you got the pig chipper gymnastics and lifting if you


look at that Laura just dick slap everybody on the end of the pig um that's lifting and then inverted medley


all gymnastics alpaca gymnastics lifting ski bag was a freaking squat workout if


you ever do a workout similar it's just who's the best squatter uh Colton Mertens won that's lifting and then


Helena was endurance CrossFit you know cardio workout look at that list of


workouts that's a perfect balanced test and then they cut after that last year was perfect that's how it should be done


every year good stuff and all right Benin you're up next you got 60 seconds off


you go I'm G to take a a call out of talking Elite Fitness this is a nothing burger like we're we're going back to


2019 everybody can agree that 2019 all of the cuts um were not the right call


especially with the lifting at the very end when you got down to the the top 10 so like you look at this year it was


fine like we're the CrossFit Games overall is going to be balanced we're not going to nobody's going to go program the first two days to be heavily


weighted in One Direction or not we have enough events we have six plus events on the first two days to make it


well-rounded enough does it need to be perfect do we need shut up and scribble and get with the programming to say this is the perfect test no but that's what


it's going to be fairly well-rounded in general so we're make we're making something out of nothing at this


point [ __ ] you spin all right uh Jason youve got 60 seconds your time starts


now off you got I'm going to build on what spin said it can't be perfect uh if it's a perfectly balanced test before


the cuts don't bother having the cuts just give whoever's at the top of the leaderboard the crown because they're clearly the fittest on Earth at that


point the test is the entirety of the game so we will not have our perfectly balanced test until the final workout on


Sunday and even then for the rest of the year people will debate whether or not it was truly a balanced test with


regards to the hypotheticals of moving events around because they would have scored more points if they'd won that event if it had been on Sunday as soon


as you start moving the order of events you have to also take into consideration that that person might not have done as well in that event if it was on Sunday


as opposed to Saturday for a number of different reasons maybe they're in a bad head space because they did worse on that workout that has now been moved to


the Saturday from the Sunday so it's never going to be perfect it is what it is but it's good


enough all right um final 22nd rebuttal round or whoever wins this has 30


seconds to talk about whatever they want John you're not allowed to talk about J why bar again you have to talk about something different I'm only joking um


all right John you got uh 20 seconds I've


set the clock for 30 plus 20 go with all due respect both of y'all are on crack


because the the other people matter to the top 20 the bottom 20 matter to in


that order of events matter to who gets into the top 20 and that can skew the leaderboard at the top of the chain it's


not just the fittest person at the end of six events uh your time is up there sorry I


actually said it for 30 but it is 20 but I mean you should have known that because you're such an avid fan of the show um all right spin you've actually


got 20 seconds time start SN everyone freaked out last year about the cuts coming in I did the analysis of the


prior year it doesn't matter right like John can't tell me somebody who is in


the bottom to in the bottom 20 who would have finished in the top 15 had they had they been there the entire time or the


order events been reversed Hopper shut your mouth John your time is


up you're muted [ __ ] you right Jason you've got 20 seconds your time STS now


if you want a fair test for all the athletes what you need to do is make the semi-finals a bigger event normally if


you win the European championships in a sport that's incredible take less athletes to the games in the first place


and let them run all the tests you just lost for yourself there


Jason sorry um all right I do score John I wish


there was one more question CU I feel like John's just on that upper traj you of anger you didn't let me come back you


didn't let me come back with him Jason Hopper I think Jason Hopper's in the top 20 after the end of the week he does the full test not a chance he was struggling


all week he's just waiting his time man the Olympic lift he would have been fifth and then he would have been


there he really [ __ ] up his time if he's waiting for sure for sure but he's a good runner and Olympic lifting was


next and then it had intervals which was rowing those La next three events he would have been top 15 after those three


events alone 31st to 15 100% okay book it 30


31st um all right let me have a look at some comments


um the guy that asked the guy that gave svan $400 to ask the question didn't realize I don't [ __ ] care um test


before cuss will never perfectly test athletes yeah I mean you're looking at at the whole weekend or week or whatever


um John Young yelling he did yell a little bit there he yelled he yelled twice actually


um oh that's so embarrassing for mat he made a typo there at the end of his insult the guy snatches 300 and thinks


his shot don't stink oh well it was 305 so and his [ __ ] does


stink uh the biggest is with is the way to scoring table the way the scoring


table uh changes they should use 20 athlet scoring table the


whole just don't change the scoring system I think is what that m is saying oh that's brys that's brys if you finish


20th to 40th you just get zero every single time oh yeah okay instead okay yeah [ __ ] that's pretty har so


um incorrect Slater although it's cool even a picture with um wrong the go um


all right spin takes at eight that middle round just [ __ ] that was impressive um spin Tes with eight Jason


on Six White John Young on six um congratulations fellas um spin question


for you Peter give me one second okay is it about your score are you disputing your score I'm disputing spin score why


you disputing spin score do you want me to read you my notes sure all let me let me can I can I Can it can it work the


same way with the drug tester if yeah yes can it work the same way with drug tester yeah but wrong he loses more


points so so spin spin took the middle round 100 like can iute first yeah sorry


go on yeah okay so last round he went from five to eight meaning he got three


points in that round and me and Jason both got two corre all he said was this is a stupid question I shouldn't be


asked he said this is a nothing Burger we should like it's never going to be


right we don't care and you're I I was told we get points in this in this


little program for having strong opinions and he had just just calling it


a nothing Burger he gets more points than me or Jason I'm not even arguing my answer is the best one I'm just saying


his answer it wasn't was trash and he got more points for both of us you agree


yes or no because the main the the first thing that's always on the list is specifics and example and he had


specifics and examples every single event at the freaking games last year man listen if


you want to waste your own time talking about things that like just making a list of things that's like the time


Taylor came on and read a quote for 30 seconds it's like it's just a bad use of time spin reference another year he said


he looked into other years and would have made a difference same in the middle round he had specifics he had examples he had multiple examples I


could say I look into every single year and they're all great you don't know I didn't you [ __ ] do you want do you want


to say that I'll change your score do you want to say that no it's cool it's your show I'm


just saying you know relevant specifics John relevant


specifics um no I appreciate your uh Vigor um you're welcome back on


anytime John if you want to uh I I will also just say to the people people that are watching this um so John just before


we went live John said I couldn't find the questions so I'm just going off the cuff on this so now he's getting pissed


off that he didn't win when he put in no effort before the show started didn't even know what the three he knew one of


the three question I'm just I'm just saying I'm just saying yeah but if you had been like man I was up till midnight


last night going over these questions and I'm like so worried I would accept your point but the fact that literally


30 minutes and 50 seconds ago you were like I don't know how any the questions these are my notes for each question I


was just saying that to get into Mr spin's head so there you go boom take it


back and you only gotal it's over it's a w wow you should


have consulted your notes when you're answering your questions um okay thanks John I love you


you're a cool guy um thanks uh to John Jason and spin next


week [ __ ] next week is next week we have Brian spin Seth


Paige from jump [ __ ] programming who's still giving away uh bags um and Andrew


Hiller in the first ever final and then immediately after that the


following Wednesday we start our next round and we have more preliminary


rounds more semi-finals another final and then we do it again and then we have like a big [ __ ] off final where it's


like whoever wins next week versus the final of the following series versus the final of the following series and it


just go on forever it's just a never ending series of finals and semifinals


start recycling people yeah well I am I absolutely am going to recycle people I


mean there's only so many people that exist that like ring the jump on I'm in Brian friend's spot so I


should still get my my yeah but every time I ask Brian to come on he's going to be afraid he's going to be too afraid to come on anyway so I'll just invite


him on and then bring you on as his like instead of um all right beenin you got 30 seconds presumably promote your show


for tonight H your time starts now off you go I can um actually tonight uh John


Young will be uh bringing premiering a new um Mountain it'll be uh the Everest Elite


so come find out what that is all about at 7:30 eastern time um as for actual


real commentary um I think CrossFit made a major mistake by putting all of the age groups and


they [ __ ] up so much with that stuff I actually had that as one of the questions and then I have a guy that I


bounce my questions off it's JR I boun my question off Jr um and we both were kind of like everyone is going to say


that it's absolutely moronic that they're both on the same weekend and that it's a holiday weekend when people go places anyway it was just like it's


just going to lead to Universal slaughtering of CrossFit agreement um


yeah they're just so [ __ ] stupid um okay Jason thank you um no doubt we'll


see you back here again uh John thank you same as always you're always welcome to get angry and you know uh just blow a


fuse or two it's great um but you're an intelligent guy and I'm sorry that you lost and that you feel bad about it but


I'm not really sorry um you got what you deserve uh Brian thank you see you next week um I'll send you the topics on


Tuesday everybody else uh spin is on tonight savan will probably have a new show out tonight um Jason behind the


scenes from strength and depth you can go and watch that um unique concept I haven't heard of that before um


recording stuff from not in front of the scenes um John is going to be on spin


show tonight um I I'm going to Lobby savan to bring back the weekly games


news show on Friday I really missed that um all right my voice is going thanks everybody goodbye uh Godspeed

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