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Coffee Pods and Wods "Around the White Board"


Updated: Apr 19, 2024

Is Hiller Good for CrossFit? Josh Bridges, Jason CF Media and Justin Cotler on Hiller, exemptions and 24.1

Transcript Bellow:


all right we're live and um [ __ ] you Sean TD third Justin say


third third tdd like who who came in in this


position in a race third third there we go I like


[ __ ] I like I like turd turd's cool yeah but turd only sounds good when you say


it you say it like like a turd but when you say it it sounds like turd I like


turd you know Irish thank you will bretter Mike isn't


on oh where is he gone there it should be on now should be better um all


right first of all thank you um to Josh


for coming on Josh Bridges um Justin Cotler and then Jason


CF media who stepped in very last well I was going to say last minute 24 hours


last 12 hours um was Brian friend pussed out so uh sorry he's traveling sorry


he's traveling um definitely not afraid um so Josh


um and Jason and Justin will have a topic three


topics um everybody will have a chance [ __ ] I have to say it again everyone will have a chance of going first second


and third you get 60 seconds to speak and


then you will get uh 20 seconds rebuttal time at the end of those 60 seconds if you go over the 60 seconds you'll be


muted um it's pretty ruthless around here Josh Jesus Christ chill bro before


we do that thank you to beond the Whiteboard for sponsoring the show H you can go to btw. all in one and learn more about


Beyond the Whiteboard uh they will quite love your gym members your affiliate members over


to their system so you don't need to go like getting info finding info typing it in manually or anything they just do all


that for you um or you can just use it as like a workout tracker it's like $7 a


month or something it's pretty good um all right no analogy for white gloving this


time no I no I equated it to getting your prostate check last week and as I


was speaking I regretted it but I just still kept speaking so I going to do that this week um all right we'll go


nearest to me Josh's like what the [ __ ] show is this H we'll go nearest nearest to me to furthest away so Justin you're


G to go first um and then Jason and then Josh can you uh you can all see the


little timer there in the top left of the screen um so it's going to count down from three then you'll have 60


seconds then when your time is up I will mute you um our first topic we go nice


and easy so we're a few weeks away from the open um Castro said something interesting the


other day this may may not play into your answer um where he said it'll be the first ever open

Programming 24.1


workout and it sounded like he was going to finish the sentence but that then seemed to be the end of the sentence I don't know did he get distracted or is


he saying we are going to do the first workout open like the first open workout that was ever programmed again I don't


know it was a weird the syntax of the sentence is weird um so what should 24.1


B Justin Cotler you're first you got 60 seconds your time starts now off you


go so I I thought about this for a little while and and here's the deal for


me I've I've been you know doing this a long time I was there for


11.1 and in my opinion in the last what 13 14 years they've gotten it right one


time uh and instead of Reinventing the wheel I feel like for 14.4 which is


23.1 is the ultimate open workout it is as good as it gets and I believe Josh


did that open announcement first 14.4 I think he was part of that one if I was


that was that the chipper roow to Bar wall clean MUSC that is open workout uh


monostructural weightlifting gymnastics there is no sense in Reinventing the wheel when you get it perfectly and I


have a little more info to back that up in my rebuttal but I believe that is the perfect open workout and that should be


24. you were doing really well there um you wasted like easily 12 seconds to the


start by just sitting in silence um so you did your St short there um all right Jason you're up you've got 60 seconds um


your time starts now off you go well I might be a disadvantage considering the programming experience of the other


guests but I'm your average CrossFit affiliate member who does the open every year so I'm not really married to any


movement but it's more about the feeling I want to come out of 24.1 I think everyone should be able to finish the


workout so I'm thinking an AM wrap 15 minutes 20 minutes something like that I want some form of Burpee maybe onto a


box over a dumbbell it's a movement everyone should be able to do but those that are fitter will be able to do a lot


more of them uh something that will hurt your legs some squats or some lunges because after 20 minutes and a lot of


reps you'll feel that for a few days so you know you worked hard in the open and then something with some skill not super


high skilled but just something that will set up from the start whether you're going to be doing RX scaled or foundation so maybe a Chester Bar pullup


or tot to Bar something like that I don't need rest of the time you can give it away wow so you use Justin's


boring silence at the start of his you just left yours at the end the end yeah um all right Josh you're up you got 60


seconds uh your time starts now off you go boom here we go um I you know I can


relate to all these answers but in my mind I think that it should be low skill


uh definitely an AM WP um you know I like to see where one or two reps can Define the F the top 20% you know top 20


top 30 athletes right one or two reps is going to really change it up um I like you know 11.2 never came back and reared


its ugly face which was um I obviously been there since the beginning 11 I've been doing CrossFit since 2005 no big


deal Jason just up one uping you um um only 19 years in the game so I would say


like a deadlift a box step up and maybe like a a push-up a hand release push-up


something like that would be really cool to see come back around that you just haven't seen where it is very like


allows everyone to be able to come in and you don't even have to scale too much so lightweight


deadlift good stuff um all right we go back down to 20 seconds I just have


click this button l time to get it down um all right Justin this time um you've


got 20 seconds and this is your rebuttal time um off you go so what I love about


23.1 is it's a low barrier entry there's two separate workouts normal people race to the tiebreak time and then the elites


get to do the muscleups get back on the rower and then they get to race for the best time and you've got the top three


men the top three women on both sides who ended up top three at the CrossFit games all finished in the top 10 on


23.1 good stuff uh all right Jason you're up 20 seconds your time starts now off you go don't really have a


rebuttle it's more I just don't want to see people at the top of the leaderboard at the end of 24.1 whose names we've


never heard of before and will never hear of again otherwise it's just like the rowing and W bble workout yes you're


very good at those movements but you're not necessarily good at CrossFit good stuff uh Josh you're up


off you go I agree I agree with that I don't like to see other people's name like people's names that you don't ever see again and I think that you can


easily uh avoid that just by making the time frame a little bit longer right because everyone can go for eight 10


minutes you make it 20 minutes you're going to start to see those top athletes shine as normal no matter what the


movements are good stuff [ __ ] man you guys are


good um all right I need to just change your uh


names um and your scores are going to be on


them um all right that was a solid


start this is uh you guys can talk like oh we're L now okay oh we can talk for


more than a minute as well yeah because it's just because I'm slow at typing um


I love how prepared you are for this I'm typing your scores I can't


prepare unless I fix unless R I can't prepare for that here's the deal you have kids I know how it is bro when you


have kids everything everything is challenging oh I wish you weren't empathetic with me um after I put your


score up um so Josh and Jason got two and a half each uh Jason got two and a


half I really liked his point there at the end that's what separated him from Cotler of um you know not seeing names


at the top of leaderboard who like who the [ __ ] is that and then you never see them again and just by sheer virtue the


fact CrossFit for [ __ ] 19 years I could not reward that with half a point


cuz that was [ __ ] nuts um I knew it was a long time but I did not January


January 05 just hit my 19 years crazy I I was actually like driving the other day and I was like [ __ ] I think I'm


almost at 20 years it's crazy that is absolutely [ __ ] nuts um all right


topic number two Jason you're going first on this one um so over the last few weeks there's been some


announcements made um about exemptions Ellie Turner is going back so many

Exemption Rule


people now are like [ __ ] I thought Hiller was going to be the second question um Hill was gonna be the second question I thought Hill was gonna be the


second question also you gotta make him wait man you gotta wet the appetite a bit um so H Ellie Turner is uh going


back to Australia well she I mean she might but she has to um if she wants to compete uh Roman is not leaving America


he's allowed to compete in America it looks like Katherine is going to compete in America it looks like T is going to compete in America


um and my question is should there be one exemption rule


for everyone you fit this criteria or you do not or should it be looked at on a case-by casee basis um and if so what


would that look like um so Jason you're going to go first you've got 60 seconds I [ __ ] hope this clock is going to 60


seconds off you go uh it should be a blanket rule for everyone but the rule should just be you compete where you


live the only reason we don't do that is because we're afraid that people will go to to weaker regions to make it to the


games but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing because if you go to a weaker region and you make it to the games we all know that's how you got to


the games and you probably have a bad time anyway if you steal that spot maybe from Africa maybe that will light a fire


under the athletes there so they'll never let that happen again a bit like Matt Fraser and the silver medal uh and


the best case scenario is they go to a weaker region and they don't qualify and then they have to take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror uh there


there's already um exemption rules in place that are super simp by comparison to any kind of Visa issues you actually


have to deal with in the real world CrossFit athletes and the general population seem to struggle to


understand how it works for that already so maybe just get rid of it and make life easier for everyone good stuff um all right Josh


you're up next you got 60 seconds off you go I agree I think a blanket statement or a blanket rule probably uh


should come into effect and I don't think that it you know it matters where


you compete right because the top of the top is going to go um and if you're not in the top five nobody gives a [ __ ]


right like if you are in a tough region and you're Sixth and you could have went to the games if you went to an easy R


who cares because there was five four guys ahead of you that should have been there anyways so it doesn't really matter I think you should be able to


compete wherever the hell you want to compete probably where you live is probably the best idea but yes if anybody thinks that CrossFit gives a


[ __ ] about any what anybody else thinks or and they're not going to do whatever they want to do then you're just crazy


if you that then you haven't paid attention to the Past um how many years is it now what 15 years it's like they


do what they want to do and it is what it is it's their sandbox and it's their toys and they'll take them and leave


whenever the [ __ ] they want Sensational analogy all right


Justin you've got 60 seconds off you go I mean I could agree but just to be a


contrarian I'll I'll I'll say it Case by case but really the reason is because of you look at at at some people who who


don't have a choice right like War torn countries political hardships Etc so I think there's going to be some


situations where you're G to have to look Case by case um but I do think I


mean when we do break it down ultimately when you're looking at the rule of okay you have to live in a place for three


years I mean if there's no extenda circumstances whatsoever then there has to be a blanket rule you can't give it


to Katherine just because she's won the games and then not give it to Ellie Turner because she hasn't you know she's


lived here six months less or whatever so I think you you're kind of you know we're we're in we're in some some murky


Waters there with some of it but I think unless there's extenuating circumstances like political hardships Etc that most


likely the best scenario is is uh one blanket rule for


everyone good stuff um all right who went first just Jason um so Jason you


going to have 20 seconds there and then we'll come to you Josh so you can build on your own Point criticize someone


else's or just mock someone if you want um so you got 20 seconds Jason off you go I think it actually already there is


a blanket rule and then depending on the reason you've applied it becomes Case by


case and I just think people haven't understood that so it's already a blanket rule that then becomes a case-by


casee rule when you're applying for an exemption that isn't the obvious one I've lived here for multiple


years but if there is a blank whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you start that damn clock


bro all right I'm ready to go extra words all right off you go Josh I mean


if there is a blanket rule then the exemption shouldn't even be a thing right like if there's a blanket rule that's the rule and you know I agree


like they obviously it's gonna it's not black and white it's so easy to look at life in black and white scenarios but um


everything's [ __ ] gray so you know obviously uh Roman that


exception sorry man 20 seconds you're muted you've only got 20 seconds


[ __ ] I know yeah iiz I don't speak like clean enough to get things out in


20 seconds man I could apologize for but I apologize absolutely lies and


[ __ ] 10 seconds um all right Justin uh finish it off there you got 20 seconds


off you go so whether they make it a blanket rule or whether there's Case by case


what I would love to see is some transparency I think everyone would just love to know what the ruling is and why


they make that specific ruling I think a lot of times like something will happen and then we're just like well what the [ __ ] I would love for there to be an


explanation for each case so we can see and and I think that would define things I'm sure you're making a great point


there at the end see Josh it's fun when it's not you it's great I I I was done I was perfect


actually I finished right when you needed me yeah I finished mid sentence that was always my plan just to stop talking in the middle of one word left


one word um all right uh


okay um yeah It's Tricky I like if they brought in a rule that was just like hey


if you buy if you buy a dog um you're good you can be exam um or


if Ellie could somehow prove that Australia was at war with New Zealand or something she'd be sorted um


yeah it is um as far as I understand I know you were mentioned cat and there Justin as far as I understand it it's


because she has proof that she's been living here in some capacity uninterrupted for like seven years or


whatever whereas Ellie's like four or five months short of the minimum barrier about that time when she went back to


Europe and competed in Europe yeah but she all you have to do is maintain your abold you just have to say like yeah I I


have a rental agreement I have a whatever you know what I mean um you've


thing is you're never going to get full transparency because it's too many kind of private issues you know if you're


political Asylum or something they're not going to share that with the general population just to sort of know oh


that's why they were allowed to go to that region you've got to be able to include Flags or extra time for the


guests extra 10 seconds to drop the mic he's telling you how to run your


show bro like that hey be like be like CrossFit and do whatever the [ __ ] you want to do you know what Josh that's


[ __ ] do anyway I do that and then I give out about CrossFit for doing


that um let's see anything else


interesting there's my mother-in-law calling me you can wait Jillian


um yeah it's interesting uh I like the I like the notion of


um uh there's the scores for that one so Josh you're on four uh Jason you're on


three and a half Cutler you're on tree I probably should have told you this beforehand H Josh this might have skewed


how you approached this maybe you might have been less competitive had you known this um but if you win this you have to


come back you have to come back next do it again there's a semifinal but yeah we can uh yeah we can


sort that out afterwards um all right the last topic uh is Andrew Hiller good for

Is Hiller Good for CrossFit?


CrossFit never heard of there's the um so over the last number


of weeks there have been videos from and about Andrew Hiller um whether you look


at him helping um atina approach her lifestyle and fitness and health and


everything else or you look at him uh criticizing proven and then coming on my show last night or Monday night not brag


um to challenge proven headon and be challenged head on


um or you look at him rounding up a party to join the open and then getting banned from the open because he's on


steroids um my question to you is is he good for CrossFit uh Josh you're up


first in this one you got 60 seconds your time starts now off you go you know


the guy is a dude who has made his Fame off of criticizing other people for what


for someone for someone trying to be out there doing good right so he's basically just a Critic right he couldn't become


famous because he wanted to do something right I don't know be an athlete coach someone do something um but instead he's


decided to make his Fame off of putting other people down and pretending he's like a vigilante for CrossFit judging um


so I don't know maybe he's good he's good for the people who are like


negative aspects of Life he's like the news right he talks about the negative things because that's what gets ratings


that's what gets people's eyeballs on it like the good things aren't as bright and shiny right everyone everyone can be


focused towards negative and so that's what he's done and that's what he's doing I'm not gonna say he's done a bad


job of it he's done a good job of it obviously people we're sitting here talking about the guy so is he good for CrossFit I don't


know it's really it really sounded like you did know at the start I was like wow he's going on then


to kind of pull back a little bit towards the end um all right uh Justin you're up next you've got 60


seconds is Andre hit go for CrossFit off you go so when I look at the sport of


CrossFit I I think one of the things over the years has been that it's it's just been a little bit vanilla we


haven't had a lot of polarizing figures in a sport and I think as it gains more


visibility just like most sports you need to have Heroes you need to have villains and I don't think there's


anything wrong with having a villain per se and I'm I I get along with Andrew um


I think one of the things that he has done is that that he's lit a fire under some of the uh Elite athletes asses when


they submit videos Etc because they don't want to have a video made of them of poor standards so I I I don't mind


that part of it I feel like sometimes the critiques can get a bit personal and I'm not a huge fan of that but at the


end of the day I I I don't mind polarizing figures in the sport in every single sport in the media Etc we have


people who piss people off and we have people who make people happy and ultimately


he's going to do that on both sides and if it brings more visibility and popularity to sport I


don't I think do you know what I actually think is happening there's a slight lag on yours so when you start talking it's


already the clock is at like 57 seconds so when you think you're finishing on time you're not finishing on time the


last like three words of every sentence is cut off hey [ __ ] happens what am I gonna do yeah but hey man everyone needs


a villain so that's me I guess um all right Jason uh you got 60 seconds your


time's rest now off you go uh no is Batman good for the gcpd sure he beats


up the the bad guys but it's a bit degrading that somebody else is doing your job for you I think Hiller is good


for Hiller I think Hiller is good for individuals especially if he's helping them to move better or educating them


and often what is good for Hiller appears to be good for CrossFit as well for example Hiller can get thousands of


people to sign up for the open so that's good for CrossFit well actually it would be better if they signed up for the open


because CrossFit convinced them to sign up for the open because if Hiller can convince thousands of people to sign up


for the open potentially can convince thousands of people to not sign up for the open I also don't think it's great


that if CrossFit make a decision or do something people need to go and seek validation from Hiller as to whether or


not it's a good idea that's not good for CrossFit so Hiller is good for Hiller he's good for people but I don't


actually think that's good for CrossFit as in the brand and Company


good stuff um all right we need 20


seconds believe it or not this is the least cumbersome clock that there is uh I know that's


probably hard to believe um all right Josh you got 20 seconds your time starts now off you go I would say Hiller is not


a polarizing figure in CrossFit right I think it to say that we haven't had polarizing figures in CrossFit is a bit


naive to say something like T is not a polarizing figure rich is a polarizing figure Matt Frasier isn't a polarizing


figure right you're talking about a [ __ ] guy who literally critiques people's movements the guy's a joke oh


[ __ ] I'm so glad I didn't mute you towards the end there I was like I'm gonna mute him and then I just said I'll


see what his last word is um all right Cotler uh you got 20 seconds your time


starts now off you go but I think it's the difference in that is that you're talking about


athletes which I which I think is good but I think you look at most sports and you've got coaches athletes media Etc


they're all part of the deal it's all it all creates more visibility towards a sport whether you like them or not I


still think it's positive to have someone who you may [ __ ] hate but he brings more


visibility good stuff um all right Jason the last 20 seconds are yours off you


go so if Hiller is CrossFit Batman I would encourage people to read the comic


Justice League Tower of Babel or watch the animated movie Justice League Doom because Batman has plan to take out


every member of the Justice League and I imagine Hiller probably has one for CrossFit


too [ __ ] hell that was a reference and a half that literally nobody was


going no it very well research though um all


right um I'm I'm just going to check because I'm so


oh there you go I think Josh saw the comments I knew he'd be there 99% of D


what a d g will say I didn't see 8% of hit is petty I


don't know what Tom's talking about but I'm glad he's on here watching good for him Josh was lost the show Good nobody


cares go look for your bat signals have you ever been on a show


together her yeah I've actually talked to him to be honest like I don't like he's not I don't think he's a bad guy I


just think the way he's like looking for attention you know critiquing people who


are actually out there trying to do something and when you're not there and you're just looking at camera angles like you just never [ __ ] know like I


don't know it's like it's just a it's he's the critic right and I've always been a huge fan of the the man in the


arena right I'd rather watch the person out there trying to [ __ ] do something than the person sit there and talking


about someone doing something it's like you're just a dude in a chair watching someone so good for you man like he's


done his thing and he's uh created his his little buzz for himself and good for him I'm not going to put him down for that he's done it but do I think that


it's worthy of talking about no um yeah it's interesting like uh


obviously like I'm friends with him so um oh man it's going to be so embarrassing if he's like no I'm not I'm


I'm friends with him he do be with me me to be friends with him um I'm H yeah I'm


friends with him and I like I like him I can see how other people wouldn't and I can see how he's uh like Mar Mighty I


don't know do you get that reference he's creating that that that's what he wants right he's doing he's doing the


whole he's doing theoy he's doing the whole Floyd Mayweather right like you love him you either love him or you hate


him but either way you want to watch him because you want to see what he does next kind of thing except for he's not the athlete he's just the person


critiquing everyone and again eyeballs are on negativity it's the same as when


you read your Instagram comments you could have a 100 positive comments and one negative one but the one negative one is the One You're Gonna think about


like that one someone created a ra Bridge's knee Josh I'm my knee baby that's it right


there no liament in it since 2012 so you can talk about my knee all you want whoever that is is probably Hiller if I


had to guess I I but you're talking about my KNE and I'm not talking about yours pal um it's it is interesting


though because I guess I see the videos that you don't like and the content that you don't like I view that as um kind of


putting fuel into the furnace for the videos that I love that he makes do you know what I mean like I view those as


how many people can I get to look at this page so that I can do those videos with atina and as many people as possible will see them or so I can go on


a show at Nick from proven and have him explain in clear detail all the things that people have been talking about H


and clear everything up and it's like I someone commented saying like oh this is just like Hiller just basically threw


[ __ ] at a wall and now there's a show to clear it up and like how's is good for anyone and I was like well a hell of a


lot of people are looking and talking about proven that weren't looking and talking about proven last week and the


person replied and said well I don't think they'd want that and I was like they mightn't want it but it's a positive outcome for them is that Nick


their CEO looks [ __ ] amazing because how he handled it yesterday proven gained a lot of respect from people I


think Hiller gained a lot of respect from people who are willing to give it some people are still going to be like oh he just [ __ ] negative though and


not actually watch like I think if you consume everything and take everything with like a


I guess an open mindset everything that he does and then make a decision about everything that he's made rather than


but I can see it is really easy to get hung up on the oh he's just criticizing whatever he's just picking on this


person or picking on that person it is easy to kind of Zone in on that like my wife said to me the other week she goes


I don't know how your friends with him I like I hate his stuff like it's he's just He's a Bully it's so negative and I was like how many videos of his have you


watched and she was like none but I mean it doesn't matter and I was like


I'm with your wife I haven't watched any either like the one maybe one person has sent to me once I've watched but yeah


you're right like it's like I don't know I you just you have your perception of what you have seen and or heard and you


know I guess maybe you're right maybe I should look into it more maybe he is doing more good than good more good than


I think he is doing well on that note speaking of doing good uh


so brace third place uh just Cotler in


third place in lump of [ __ ] Place third um Second Place Josh Bridges five and a


half points uh Jason uh swung it on the last round there with um a classically


Jason CF media right down the middle um looking


at both sides evenly and fairly and then a ridiculous [ __ ] reference that probably on hiter is going to get about


a comic that I've already forgotten the name about something to do with just


um so I probably also should have told you this bit uh so Jason you now have no


pressure you now have 30 seconds to talk about any topic that you want to talk about um so you can self-promote or you

Victory Speech


can pick something El let do that I think I think uh I think Jor was gonna win and he tanked it on purpose because


he doesn't want to come back yeah okay follow my stuff then go to Jason SI media on on Instagram or YouTube I'm


going to post up some behind the scenes from Sid Origins it was a of fun and I'll be doing a UK tour England Scotland


and Wales one week for each of the open workouts uh so if you want to watch that would be great and as Pedro has a bigger


audience than me if anybody wants to sponsor a UK tour for the open that would be great so uh message me if


you're interested in doing that wow um if you are interested in sponsoring stuff though talk to me first and then


if I don't want I'll pass it on no yeah you can talk to Jason it's fine um yeah thank you um Josh


appreciate you coming on um Justin always good to to have you on as well great to talk uh Jason congrats I'll see


you um on Valentine's Day for a romantic Mana 4 uh with me Brian Spin


and John Young and then the winner of that will go on to face Hiller who is waiting in the final along with set from


uh jump ship CrossFit and jump ship programming um [ __ ] I forgot about the


comments um Josh dope hat Mark Moss


great stuff thanks thanks Mark um Hon's written in like 15 comments can't keep


up with them uh Hiller is like porn everyone watches but no one admits my wife doesn't watch


porn well she didn't watch Hillary either exactly exactly there you go


um fist bump for Josh 36 Cents on Jason Stewart there you


go oh well it's already rolling in it's rolling in yeah can't wait uh Taylor won his and he never got


his 30 seconds it's because nobody give a [ __ ] what he wanted to say um all right thanks everyone for watching


appreciate all the comments as always thank you Josh thank you Justin thank you uh Jason that's the weirdest and


worst show you'll probably ever do Josh [Laughter] congratulations good to go

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